Jodhpur: Workshop for "Capacity Building for DISCOMs" under Demand Side Management Scheme

One day workshop on “Capacity Building for Discoms” under the Demand Side Management Program of BEE was organized in Jodhpur on 07th May 2024 at Hotel Niky International, Residency Road, Jodhpur. The workshop was organized by Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation Limited (RRECL), SDA, Government of Rajasthan, Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power, Government of India, and Greentree Global.
The event attracted over 50 officials from both RRECL and Jodhpur DISCOM. It's worth highlighting that the "Capacity Building for Discoms" initiative, part of the Demand Side Management Program by BEE, is already underway in other DISCOMs. However, the organization of such an important event in Jodhpur DISCOM has been eagerly anticipated. The program commenced with a welcome address by Mr. Jay Verma, GreenTree Global. The special address was given by Shri V.K. Chhangani, Additional Chief Engineer, JdVVNL. He elaborated on the significance of energy efficiency and the pivotal role of energy conservation in technological sectors. Other notable speakers attended the event were Shri S.K. Bhati, SE-Commercial, JdVVNL, Ms. Shalini Rai, Technical Manager, RRECL and Mr. Prakhar Saxena, RRECL

Mr. Ankur Bhardwaj, an Energy Expert, delivered an address illuminating the fundamentals of Demand Side Management (DSM). His discourse underscored the pivotal role DSM plays, advocating for collaborative endeavors with energy consumers and defining strategies for fostering energy conservation. Subsequently, Mr. Jai Verma, Technical Consultant, explained 'Innovative DSM Strategies, Customer Engagement, and Energy Conservation,' enriching the discourse with insights into novel methodologies. Consecutively, Mr. Saurabh Taparia, serving as Financial Consultant, elucidated 'Financial Management and Investment,' elaborating upon investment avenues inherent to DSM and their attendant financial benefits. The proceedings culminated with an interactive session for inquiries, succeeded by a valedictory address delivered by Shri Dharmendra Prajapati, XEN DSM, JdVVNL.

The conference buzzed with positivity and enthusiasm, offering participants a rich knowledge and experience. This event represented a significant milestone in GreenTree Global's continuing project activities aimed at adopting effective demand-side management strategies within the distribution company (DISCOM). GreenTree Global's proactive involvement demonstrates its dedication to encouraging positive change and instilling a sustainable culture among commercial and industrial partners.